Land Of The Dead Review
So, a few weeks ago I dropped down a little thread about the upcoming movie, Land Of The Dead. Well, tonight, the first night it comes out in Boston, I grabbed my darlin' Angelea and went off to the cinema to go catch it at the 7:20 matnee.
We made it in at 7:21 and saw some previews ("The Cave" and "Skeliton Key" look pretty good if your looking for a horror fix) then the movie finnaly came on. Now I dunno about you guys, but I LOVE a good intro. The little scene in the remake of Dawn Of The Dead which mixed TV clips in with Johnny Cash's "When The Man Comes Around" was an excellent example of how to make a good movie intro. Well, Land Of The Dead delivers that as well. The intro is nice, dark, belivable, and no where near boring.
The movie progresses very smoothly with a rag tag crew of charictors, ranging from a scout to a burn victum with a missing eye and brain dissability (But is very lovable and will soon be your favourite- I promise.) Even the one feature of the movie I was worried about, the zombies becoming "intelligant", is protrayed without a hitch. It carefully increases the mental capasity of the zombies one step at a time, using a "stench" (zombie) nick named "Big daddy" as the main zombie charictor.
The ending is presented perfectly with a great load of zombie gore scenes, and in all the film has alot of gore, dark humor and good action to keep you entertained and wanting more.
So in conclusion, if your looking for a good horror or action movie to see this summer, filled with gore, comedy and even a tiny bit of insight, grab yourself a couple tickets to go see Land Of The Dead.